When an Old Accident Haunts You

Is Not Paying Your Payday Loan A Criminal Offense?

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Most people who find themselves sitting in a payday loan store have already exhausted every other potential source of financial help. Payday loans are never a first choice, and like bankruptcy, it often signals desperation. Not everyone puts money aside for that rainy day when you are in danger of losing your job because your car needs to be repaired, or you need medical care for a family member. Payday loans are not good loans (they often have punishing interest rates), but they are an option when you have nowhere else to turn. Read More»

Protect Your Interests Through Engagement And Information - Questions For Your Motorcycle Accident Attorney

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Any kind of serious accident can be an event that changes the path of your life, but an accident on a motorcycle is often on a whole other level. The risk of serious injury that comes with a motorcycle accident means that you have to be prepared to take strong action to protect your interests, even when the process seems daunting. Securing an attorney and educating yourself about the legal process is perhaps the best way to remove the potential for stigma and shield your financial future. Read More»

Ways To Avoid The Most Common Car Accidents

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According to the United States Department of Transportation, in the United States in 2014, auto accidents resulted in 22,276 fatalities and 2,121,000 injuries. With millions of vehicles on the road, accidents are bound to happen. While the causes of car accidents vary, some causes are more common than others. In order to try and prevent auto accidents, it is important to understand why they happen in the first place. When Speeding Is a Factor Read More»

4 Things You Should Do To Protect Yourself From A Car Accident Lawsuit

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It is common knowledge that car accidents can breed lawsuits. If you are not careful, you could put yourself at risk for a lawsuit simply by how you handle the situation. Here are some things you need to do if you are in a car accident to protect yourself. 1. Don’t Admit Any Fault Or Guilt After the accident, you might tempted to tell the other person how sorry you are or make up an excuse as to why the accident happened. Read More»

How To Protect Yourself After A Car Accident

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Getting in a car accident can be a terrifying experience. You may find yourself in a state of shock afterwards. There will most likely be a million things running through your head, or it may be the complete opposite and you find it hard to focus on anything. Either way, there are a lot of steps that you should try to complete if you ever find yourself in this situation. Knowing them beforehand may help you remember them if you are unfortunately ever in an accident. Read More»