When an Old Accident Haunts You

Where's The Money? What To Know About Collecting On A Personal Injury Claim

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The road to personal injury success can be long, complicated and exhausting, but the time may eventually come when you have a reason to celebrate your win. Whether you have prevailed in court or you have been offered a fair settlement from the at-fault party’s insurance company, you can now expect to be compensated for your injuries and damages. Read on to learn more about what to expect when it comes time for the other side to “ Read More»

3 Benefits Of Hiring A Workers' Compensation Attorney

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One of the more challenging times in life may occur when you’re unable to work. Being hurt on the job does happen to people every single day. If this happens to you, it can create lots of stress and anxiety in your life. Some of the things you may face include being unable to pay your bills and this is a dangerous place to be. It’s important to file a claim that may enable you to receive reimbursement for your losses. Read More»

3 Legal Angles To Consider When Your Child Is Injured On The School Playground

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If your child was recently injured on the school playground and you had to seek medical care in order to deal with their injuries, you may want to consider legal action. Here are three legal angles that you need to take into consideration when deciding if you should pursue a personal injury lawsuit. #1 Who Installed The Equipment The first thing that you need to consider is who installed the equipment. Read More»

Three Paperwork Mistakes To Avoid During Your Personal Injury Case

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A car accident that leaves you injured often means that you will have to file a claim and a lawsuit to get the compensation you deserve. This also means that you will end up juggling a lot of paperwork during the claims and court proceedings. Make sure you aren’t guilty of any of the paperwork mistakes that could compromise your case. #1: Giving up the originals The originals are the most important pieces of paperwork you will receive. Read More»

Two Things You Should Know About Your Contingency Contract

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Before an attorney officially begins representing you in your auto accident case, he or she will have you sign a contingency agreement detailing your and the lawyer’s rights and responsibilities. It’s important to thoroughly read this document before signing it to avoid unpleasant surprises later on. Here are two examples of things you may find in the contract that can have a significant impact on your case. Representation for Appeal Not Automatic Read More»