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Only Talk To Your Lawyer When Discussing A Personal Injury Case

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After you have been injured in a car accident, you might wonder how you'll be able to pay your bills. One option is to file a personal injury claim. However, before you file a personal injury claim, you should be aware of common mistakes that could jeopardize your case and reduce your recovery. One of these mistakes is discussing your claim with anyone other than your lawyer. 

Why It's a Bad Idea to Talk About Your Claim

You should keep your claim confidential and only share it with your trusted legal representative for several reasons. First, you could say something that contradicts your claim or damages your credibility. For example, if you tell a friend that you are feeling fine after the accident but later claim that you have severe injuries, the insurance company or the defendant could use this statement against you to argue that you are exaggerating or lying about your condition. 

Similarly, if you post on social media that you were involved in a car crash but mention that you were speeding or distracted at the time, this could also hurt your case and expose you to liability.

You Could Reveal Information Protected by Attorney-Client Privilege

This legal principle allows you to communicate freely and confidentially with your lawyer without fear of disclosure. Anything you tell your lawyer is privileged and cannot be used against you in court. However, if you share this information with someone else, such as a family member, a friend, a coworker, or a stranger, you could waive this privilege and lose its protection. This means the other party could obtain this information through discovery or subpoena and use it to undermine your claim.

You Could Be Contacted by an Insurance Provider

If you talk about your personal injury claim with others, the word could reach the ears of the insurance adjuster or the defendant's attorney. They may try to contact you and persuade you to give a recorded statement, accept a lowball offer, or sign a release of liability. They use these tactics to minimize their exposure and avoid paying you what you deserve. It would help if you never talked to them without your lawyer's presence and advice. Your lawyer will protect your interests.

Discussing your personal injury claim with anyone other than your lawyer is a bad idea that could cost you dearly. The best thing you can do is hire an experienced lawyer to handle your case professionally and effectively. Your lawyer will advise you on what to say and what not to say and will communicate with the insurance company and the defendant's lawyer on your behalf. This way, you can focus on your recovery and avoid any pitfalls that could harm your claim.

Contact a local personal injury lawyer to learn more. 
