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3 Kinds Of Damages A Personal Injury Attorney Can Get You For Your Product Liability Claim

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If you have been injured as a result of using or consuming a faulty or dangerous product, then you should seek legal advice from an experienced personal injury attorney. A skilled attorney can help you evaluate your claim and identify all possible sources of compensation, including the damages that can be recovered in a successful product liability case. Here are a few of the main damages that a personal injury attorney can help you recover. 

1. Compensatory Damages

These types of awards are meant to compensate victims for the financial losses they have suffered as a result of their injuries or illnesses. Compensatory damages can be either direct (economic) compensatory or non-economic compensatory damage awards. Economic compensatory damages include medical expenses, lost wages from missed work due to injury or illness resulting from the use of a defective product, lost earning capacity if an individual is unable to return to work due to disability caused by the product defect, etc. It also includes other out-of-pocket costs that are directly related to the injury or illness. Non-economic compensatory damages include awards for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other types of non-financial damages caused by the product defect.

2. Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are a type of award for punishing a manufacturer for selling an unreasonably dangerous product and deterring companies from engaging in such behavior. In some states, punitive damages can also be awarded if there is evidence that the defendant acted with malice, intent to injure, gross negligence, or fraud when they manufactured or sold the defective product. Oftentimes, these types of cases require expert testimony to prove the defendant's conduct was so outrageous as to warrant punitive damages.

3. Wrongful Death

If a product defect is so severe that it results in the death of an individual, then the personal representative of the deceased's estate may be able to sue for wrongful death damages. These types of awards are meant to compensate for losses incurred by the surviving family members such as medical expenses and funeral costs, as well as loss of companionship, love, and support from their deceased loved one.

If you have been injured by a defective product, you should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible to maximize your chances of receiving the full amount of compensation you deserve. An attorney will be able to evaluate your claim and identify all potential sources of recovery. By enlisting the help of a qualified legal professional, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that any compensation awarded is fair and just.

For more information, contact a personal injury attorney near you.
