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4 Terrible Mistakes To Avoid When Pursuing A Car Accident Claim

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Filing an accident injury claim can be one of the most stressful events in your life. From recording a police statement to numerous meetings with the relevant insurance firm, a car accident claim can bring up a lot of emotions. And you may make mistakes that could ruin your chances of recovering your benefits. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you hire an experienced car accident attorney to steer your case. Here are the four mistakes you should never make when filing a car accident case and how a car accident lawyer can come in handy.

1. Failing to Seek Medical Treatment Immediately After the Accident

After an accident, you should not overlook the need to seek medical attention. First, medical treatment is the only way to treat your physical and emotional injuries. Secondly, the doctor will be able to identify invisible injuries that may not show immediately after the collision. The insurance company may deny invisible injury claims if you seek treatment days after the accident. Thirdly, your medical records will be an integral part of the evidence your auto accident attorney will use to prove your injuries and secure your benefits.

2. Failing to Document the Injury Scene

After a car collision, you should take pictures of your injuries, car damage, skid marks, and road signs. In addition, you need to collect statements from eyewitnesses. Generally, evidence from the auto accident scene will quickly get damaged. But armed with the pictures and witness record, your attorney will be able to build a solid case and recover all your losses.

3. Representing Yourself

After a car crash, you may be tempted to file your claim on your own to avoid paying attorney fees. But before you make this decision, you need to ask yourself some questions. Do you understand the claim process? Do you know all the documents you need to secure your compensation? Without the legal knowledge of dealing with the insurance company, your chances of winning are incredibly low. Car accident attorneys have dealt with similar cases before and know the rules of the game.

4. Sharing Sensitive Information With the Insurer

After an accident, the insurance company will approach and sweet talk you to give an account of what happened. However, you should avoid speaking to the professionals hired by the insurer without an attorney, or you might make an incriminating statement that could be used to deny or reduce your claim.

The first critical step before you file a compensation claim is to engage a seasoned attorney. The attorney will help you collect strong evidence, handle all the paperwork, and deal with the relevant insurer to avoid cardinal mistakes that could cost you your claim. Contact a car accident attorney for more information.
