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Involved In An Accident? Filing A Claim Against Your Insurance Might Not Be Best

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After an accident, filing a claim or a lawsuit against another person seems like a massive and involved undertaking. As such, it would seem that this type of action is only justified when the damage or injuries sustained from the accident are equally massive. Yet, this is inaccurate information. Instead of rushing to file a claim against your insurance, learn why filing a car accident claim against the at-fault party makes more sense.

Potential Penalties

Insurance is meant to be used, but this does not mean that insurance companies do not penalize policyholders when they use their coverage. Even if your injuries and property damage are minimal, filing a claim against your policy for the loss can mean higher rates and dropped coverage in the future. Filing a claim against the at-fault party protects you from this penalty while still ensuring you are compensated appropriately.

Policy Limits

If you sustained significant property damage and physical injuries, you could hinder yourself by not filing a claim. Insurance policies allow policyholders to set their limits, therefore, they only have to pay claims up to this amount. Any leftover expenses that exceed this amount will ultimately be your responsibility. Working with an attorney to file a claim means that you can request the full amount necessary to help you recover.

Non-Economic Damages

It is worth noting that not every injury sustained during a motor vehicle accident can be seen. There is often a great deal of discomfort and anguish that takes place seemingly silently. Although these concerns are the result of the accident, if you file a claim against your policy, you will not be compensated for these losses. Only filing a claim against the at-fault party by way of a personal injury claim can help you gain compensation for these non-economic damages. 

Legal Representation

When you file a standard claim against your policy, it is just you. Yet, the insurance company has a team of attorneys working on their side, and on their behalf, which does not always work in the policyholders' favor. However, when you file a claim against the at-fault party, you can do so under the direction of an attorney who is equally knowledgeable of the law and aimed at protecting your best interest.

If you have been involved in an accident and sustained monetary damages, reach out to an attorney who can provide you with the assistance you need. Go online to websites like https://www.bangelaw.com/ to find a car accident lawyer. 
