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How A Rainstorm Can Affect Your Motorcycle Accident Case

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The best way to ride your motorcycle is to only ride it when it's not raining out. Unfortunately, it might start to rain when you least expect it, and you may find yourself in a situation where you may be in danger. There are several reasons why rain might contribute to your motorcycle accident.

Reduced Visibility

You may find yourself in an accident because of reduced visibility. Because it is so difficult to see, you might find yourself struck by another vehicle. This is especially the case when you're much smaller because you are riding on a motorcycle.

Less Traction

Less traction can affect both you and the other driver. The driver might lose control of their vehicle and hit you. Also, because other drivers might not take into consideration how dangerous it is to ride a motorcycle, another driver might change lanes suddenly or drive too close and cause you to panic. During a heavy downpour, you're more likely to lose control and crash in this situation.

The Defense

The other driver's insurance provider is likely to mount a defense in which it is argued that you were not driving safely in the rain and that this contributed to the accident. If the insurance provider is able to prove this, you may be forced to accept a lower settlement.

The insurance provider might argue that you were driving through standing water, that you were driving too quickly, or that you were not wearing the appropriate safety gear. For example, you should be wearing motorcycle gear that is water-resistant.

The Importance of Hiring an Attorney

Because you may be blamed for the accident, it's important to speak with a motorcycle accident attorney about how to craft the best case. You will also want to understand how motorcycle laws work in your particular state. States govern the type of protective equipment you should wear and how you should use your headlights.

The insurance provider might argue that the accident was an unavoidable result. However, drivers are expected to adjust how they drive under inclement weather. For example, if the driver did not slow down or was even driving over the speed limit, this could make the driver liable for the accident.

You will also need help from an attorney to calculate all of the damages that you have suffered. You will likely have damage done to your bike, but you may have many medical expenses as well.
