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Why Dehydration at a Music Festival Could Potentially Lead to an Injury Suit

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Attending a summer music festival isn't inherently dangerous, but there are a few potential ways that you could sustain an injury. One threat is dehydration, which can often occur through a combination of hot conditions and failing to drink enough water. If you were to get dehydrated and end up needing medical care, you might want to go over the festival's promoter with a personal injury suit. While a detractor might suggest that you should've just made drinking water a priority, there are several reasons that the promoter could be negligent and thus at least partially responsible for your dehydration.

Overpriced Bottled Water

Water is virtually always for sale at festivals of this nature, but bottles can be priced prohibitively. If you bought and consumed some water but were unable to drink more because of the price, this is a detail to discuss with your personal injury attorney. The legal professional may feel as though the expense of the water made it unattainable for many people, especially given the amount that they'd need to drink to counteract the hot and sunny conditions, and thus they may think that the promoter was negligent due to his or her decision to overcharge.

Insufficient Medical Personnel

When you attend a summer music festival, you'll commonly see medical personnel circulating throughout the grounds, and there will usually be a medical tent or other designated area in which personnel can treat attendees. It's possible that these staff and facilities were lacking in your case. For example, perhaps you felt lightheaded, but there was no one on the scene who could help you by providing some shade and perhaps giving you an IV for fluids. This is another area that your attorney will likely describe as negligent.

Lack of Free Water

At summer music festivals, you usually have the choice to buy bottled water or fill up an empty bottle or other vessel with free water from a fountain. If such facilities weren't available, and this meant that you were forced to buy water to keep hydrated—but were unable to do so because of the high price—this is another area that your personal injury attorney may feel is negligent. He or she will present a suit on your behalf that alleges the promoter played a role in your dehydration and the associated medical expenses, hopefully leading to a settlement that allows you to recuperate your financial losses and get damages for your emotional turmoil.
