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Things To Emphasize On Your Winning Demand Letter

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The demand letter is the document that you use to inform a party that you are holding them responsible for damages you incurred in an accident and that you want to be compensated for a certain amount. Sending a demand letter is one of the first things you should do if you want to make a personal injury claim. Here are some of the essential things to include in the demand letter.

Injuries and Damages

This is where you cover all the property damages and bodily injuries you have suffered as a result of the accident. If you broke your arm, your car's windshield was shattered, and your computer was crashed during the accident, state it clearly. Remember to include each and every injury and damage to give the defendant a clear overview of what you are claiming.

Demand Amount

It is also necessary to quote exactly how much money you are demanding from the defendant as compensation for your damages. Don't forget that the defendant, through their lawyer or insurance company, is destined to challenge and negotiate your demand amount. In most injury cases, what you demand is not what you get, so it's advisable to start with a slightly high figure to give room for negotiations. You also need to itemize your damages, for example, by listing the damaged properties, your medical treatment, lost wages, and so on and so forth as well as their respective values.

The Defendant's Liability

Your demand letter should also cover why you think the defendant is liable for your accident. After all, this is the reason you think they should pay for your damages. Therefore, if you think the defendant should pay your damages because they were drunk and hit you on the rear of your vehicle, this is where you should state it.

Documentary Evidence

You also need to put some evidence, especially those in the forms of documents or records, to support your claim. Copies of car repair receipts, copies of medical bills, pictures of the accident, or a copy of the police report can all be used to prove the contents of your demand letter.

Response Deadline

Lastly, you also need to state a deadline for the expected reply. This is the date after which you will be free to file a lawsuit if you don't hear from the defendant. This is important because you can't wait forever; otherwise, the statutes of limitations might expire and bar you from filing a lawsuit related to the injury.

Ideally, you should have a personal injury attorney review your personal injury case to ensure you don't make a mistake on the demand letter. For example, there is a risk of undervaluing the damages without a professional's input.
